Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Increase Your Muscle Mass With Digestive Enzymes

If you could find out about a way to get much more out of the food you are already eating, allowing you to gain muscle weight at a faster rate, would you be interested?

If you could find out how to not feel as bloated, gas-y, or down-right "heavy feeling" in the stomach after eating a meal, would you want to know?

If you could find out an easy way to help your body better use the protein, carbohydrates, and fats you already eat help you build more muscle mass / gain muscle weight, how would you react?

No. This isn't some sales pitch. This is for real.

What I'm talking about are Digestive Enzymes.

Digestive enzymes come in pill form, and can be bought in just about any grocery store, pharmacy, or supplement store (which should be your last resort).

When we eat or drink a meal / shake / liquids, the body uses digestive enzymes that it makes on its own to break down and digest the food.

Now, here's the kicker.

Being imperfect humans, our digestive systems don't necessarily work to its maximum capacity.

Or, many times our body doesn't make enough of a certain enzyme, which results in you not being able to properly digest your food, which causes your muscle weight gains to slow down.

For example, take a look at people that suffer from lactose intolerance.

The reason why these individuals can't have any dairy products is because their bodies has stopped producing enough or any of the digestive enzyme called Lactaid.

Lactaid is the enzyme in the body that specifically breaks down dairy products.

However, if that person were to take the Lactaid enzyme in pill form, they could now digest and enjoy dairy products.........instead of having really bad gas and having to go to the toilet every 3 minutes.

Now, there are different enzymes for different foods / calories.

I'm not going to sit here and list all of them, since there are many.

But I am going to tell you of the 3 that you definitely need to know about, and that I'm going to recommend to assist you in your muscle mass building goals.

(Hey, if you are spending money on food, and are breaking your back in the gym, you should also be making sure you are getting everything out of what you eat).

There is an enzyme pill called Pancreatin.

In this one pill you will find that it contains 3 very important enzymes......

Protease, which helps break down protein............

Amylase, which helps break down carbs / sugars / starches........


Lipase, which helps break down fats / lipids.

If you think about it, that's what everything we eat consists of......protein, carbs, and fats.

Many times we feel that we aren't getting the most out of our food, so in response, we'll eat more, but sometimes all that does is aggravate the problem.

If your digestive system is already having a problem digesting a certain food / nutrient, eating more of that nutrient isn't going to make it any better.

But if you were to take the enzyme, you may be able to get a bigger punch from the food you eat, which will quicken your muscle weight gain.

Your body will be able to handle, break down, and digest what you are giving it, and better utilize it for what really matters, building muscle mass.

So, try it out, it just might be what you need to take your muscle weight gain to the next level.

Copyright 2006 Jonathan Perez

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